Wednesday 13 June 2012


Hello there and welcome to The Theme Adventure, a new blog and journal, bringing you thoughts and opinions relating to the ever changing theme park industry.

First, I think I should introduce myself. My name is Mark and I have been a Theme Park enthusiast for more years than I care to count. (Note the term theme park enthusiast; I will come to that later). I have experienced many different theme parks around Europe and a handful in the USA and of course, I fully intend to travel more of the world in future. I have was a member of for just over 9 years which has given me a whole wealth of knowledge and experience of theme parks. I have even had the luxury of presenting several documentaries over the years which feature on the CoasterForce YouTube channel.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I am by no means an ‘expert’ in the technical side of theme parks. I have met and spoken with many that are far closer to expert than I am, but I do have a strong sense of passion and enthusiasm for them and have strong opinions to boot. And there is that term again… enthusiasm.

There are many out there that have an enthusiast interest… train enthusiasts, car enthusiasts, art enthusiasts and of course rollercoaster enthusiasts. Many people think I am a rollercoaster enthusiast, because I spend a great deal of my time travelling to theme parks to ride rollercoasters. I am not a rollercoaster enthusiast and ironically, I have really grown to dislike the term (again, I will blog about this some other time). For me at least, the scope is much larger. By definition, a theme park is “An amusement park in which all the settings and attractions have a central theme, such as the world of the future”. It isn’t just the rollercoasters that spark my interest, but theme parks in a more general sense. Over the coming blogs I will get into that notion of ‘theming’ and what it means to me personally. Naturally, this doesn’t mean I will shun the non-themed amusement parks of the world by any stretch, but I wanted to give you an idea of what I look out for.

Part of the set up of this blog will also involve journal entries. The journal entries will be a report from an actual visit. I wanted a place to share my thoughts and opinions of the theme park industry as a whole, but also a place where I can chronicle my ‘adventures’ too. Naturally, journal entries will happen as and when the visits do. I am also open to discussion and debate. I really like to compare my opinions with others, so comments are always welcome. Likewise, if you have a topic that you think I should cover or a question, let me know, and I will do my best to reply.
Finally, I wanted to make it clear that this blog is not just for those that follow the theme park industry. I want it to be accessible to all. Wherever there are technical details or terms I will endeavour to give some explanation. I want everyone to be able to get something from this blog and so I will also be doing some 'glossary' style articles where I explain the technicalities or some of the terms people may hear associated with theme parks.

So, as an introduction, that is about it really. I hope you enjoy the adventure.


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